ICEM 2024

Leveraging Digitalization and Technological Advancements for a Greener Future

Full Paper Submission Deadline


Conference Date

September 19, 2024


Welcome Remarks
Focus and Scope
Important dates
Author Guideline
Review Process
Fee & Payment
Previous Conference

Dr. Evi Irawan


Center for Environmental Research Universitas Sebelas Maret warmly welcomes you to The 2nd International Conference on Environmental Management (ICEM) 2024.

It is crucial for our future survival and livelihoods to have healthy ecosystems with diverse biodiversity. These ecosystems form the foundation of functioning societies and economies and help regulate the Earth’s climate by storing carbon, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing global warming. The rapid technological advances during the Anthropocene era have had significant impacts on ecosystems and environmental management practices. Environmental engineering, innovations, and digital technologies are often viewed as key drivers for achieving sustainable development goals. However, an increasing number of studies are warning us about the significant climate and environmental impact of our digital activities.

We are organizing a conference entitled “Leveraging Digitalization and Technological Advancements for a Greener Future,” which will bring together participants from around the world to share their recent findings or thoughts in the field of environmental management. The conference is scheduled for September 19, 2024. Notable keynote and invited speakers will share their speeches, participants will present their papers, and we will provide a platform to foster new opportunities and future collaborations.

We would greatly appreciate your participation and contribution to ICEM 2024.

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Steering Committee

Prof. Dr. Okid Parama Astirin, M.S.

Prof. Dr. Al. Sentot Sudarwanto, S.H., M.Hum.

Dr. Ir. Dewi Handayani, S.T., M.T.


Dr. rer.agr. Evi Irawan, S.P., M.Sc.

Guest Editor

Dr. Chanel Tri Handoko, M.Si.

Paper Administration, Plenary, and Thematic Sessions

Dr. Puguh Karyanto, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.

Dr. Agung Hidayat, S.Pd., M.Sc.

Dr. Anti Mayastuti, SH., M.H.

Diah Apriani Atika Sari, S.H., LL.M.

Rafika Nur Kusumawati, S.Psi., MA.

Raden Chrisna Trie Hadi Permana, S.T., M.Sc., M.E., Ph.D.


Dien Rusda Arini, S.P.

Scientific Committee

Prof. Dr. Pranoto, M.Sc. (Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia)

Prof. Dr. Ir. Endang Siti Rahayu, M.S. (Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia)

Prof. Dr. Ir. MMA Retno Rosariastuti, M.Si. (Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia)

Prof. Abdul Rahim Bin Abdul Samad (Universiti Putra Malaysia)

Dr. Andrey Berezin (RUDN University, Moscow)

Dr. Wesam Al Madhoun (The Center for Development Economics and Sustainability, Monash University)

Rizal M. Suhardi (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan)

Dr. M. Saiful Mansor (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)


Ensinasawor Dea Pratiwi, S.Si.

Hadi Wiwit Hendro Cahyono, S.Pd.

Technical Support and Documentation

Sirojudin Alfahmi, S.Pd.

Nugroho Andi Purnomo, S.Si.

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1. Environmental Engineering, Sustainability, and Green Technology

2. Climate Change Mitigation

3. Environmental Policy, Socioeconomics, and Law

4. Geography

5. Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems

6. Sustainable Agriculture, Food, and Forestry

7. Sustainable Biodiversity Assets and Conservation Ecology

8. Sustainable Infrastructure

9. Sustainable Land Management

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Dr. Sander Janssen

Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands

"Environmental indicators for farming and digital solutions"

Prof. Jean-Francois Bissonnette

Laval University, Quebec Canada

“Oil palm smallholders’ perceptions of land restoration and crop diversification initiatives”

Dr. Ratih Damayanti

Director of Scientific Collection Management - BRIN

"Preservation and Data Acquisition of Indonesian Biodiversity"

Dr. Suryanto

Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

Implementation of Payment for Environmental Services for Conservation in Indonesia

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June 30, 2024

Abstract submission deadline

July 05, 2024

Abstract acceptance announcement (last batch)

July 30, 2024

Registration payment deadline

Early bird payment deadline (proceedings)

August 17, 2024

Full paper submission &

Conference payment deadline

August 31, 2024

Full paper acceptance announcement

September 19, 2024

Conference day

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Prospective presenters are required to create a Morressier account to submit abstracts and full papers.

Manuscript Preparation

Please follow the guidelines when preparing your paper:

  1. Paper size is European A4 (maximum 10 pages).
  2. The paper includes the author’s name and affiliation (full address including country).
  3. Authors/Co-Authors may submit no more than two papers.
  4. We recommend that authorship be based on the following 4 criteria:
    • Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work
    • Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content
    • Final approval of the version to be published
    • Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved
  5. There are no page numbers, or headers and footers, within the paper.
  6. The File is free of formatting errors (e.g. corrupt equations, missing or low-resolution figures).
  7. All pages are portrait (landscape pages should be rotated).
  8. Reference lists are checked for accuracy. References can only be linked via Crossref if they are correct and complete.
  9. Figures are placed within the text, not collected at the end of the document.
  10. A thorough proofread is conducted to check the standard of English and ensure wording is clear and concise.

Manuscript Template

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Editorial Policy

Peer-Review Process

All submitted manuscripts are read by the editorial staff. Those manuscripts evaluated by editors to be inappropriate to conference criteria are rejected promptly without external review. Manuscripts evaluated to be of potential interest to our readership are sent to blind reviewers. The submitted papers will be peer-reviewed based on relevance and timeliness, technical content and scientific rigor, novelty and originality, and their quality of presentation. The editors then decide based on the reviewer’s recommendation from among several possibilities: rejected, require major revision, or need minor revision. Authors can check the status of their manuscript anytime from their account in the OJS or Scientific.Net (if applicable the publisher platform). The committee will notify authors via email when the review process is finished. After the authors get the notification of acceptance, authors need to finalize their final manuscript in accordance with the author’s guidelines and review results.

Review Process

  1. The author submits the manuscript

  2. Editor evaluation (some manuscripts are rejected or returned before the review process)

  3. Blind peer review process

  4. Editor decision

  5. Notification to the authors

Publication Ethics

ICEM 2024 committees adhere to the COPE Guidelines for Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing.

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All accepted papers will be published in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES) after going through a peer-review process.

Participants with Publication

Fees for Participants with publications are divided into 2 payments
Participants have to submit separately for each payment.

1. Registration Fees
Registration payment deadline: July 30, 2024
- Foreign Participant (USD 35 + Transaction Fees)
- Indonesian Participant (IDR 500.000)

2. Publication Fees
Early Bird Payment
Early Bird Payment is valid until July 30, 2024
- Foreign Participant (USD 170 + Transaction Fees)
- Indonesian Participants (IDR 2.000.000)

Regular Payment
- Foreign Participant (USD 200 + Transaction Fees)

- Indonesian Participants (IDR 2.500.000)

Participants non-Publication

1. Presenter Only
- Foreign Participant (USD 35)
- Indonesian Participant (IDR 500.000)

2. Non Presenter
- Foreign Participant (USD 10)
- Indonesian Participant (IDR 100.000)

The registration fees are paid via transfer to the following account:

Name of Bank         : Bank Mandiri

Account Name       : OPS PENERIMAAN UNS 3

Swift Code               : BMRIIDJA

Account Number   : 1380020210311

Bank Note                : “ICEM 2024, PPLH LPPM UNS


Please save the receipt of the payment and send it to the following link:

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Center for Environmental Research

Universitas Sebelas Maret

Dr. Sander Janssen

Sander Janssen PhD, is working as team leader Earth Informatics at Wageningen Environmental Research, and leading a team of experience researchers and software engineers in the field of integrated (spatial) modelling, remote sensing, Big Data and Knowledge systems.

Prof. Jean-Fancois Bissonnette

Jean-François Bissonnette is assistant professor in the Department of Geography at Université Laval in Quebec City, Canada. He holds a PhD from the University of Toronto and his main areas of expertise are environmental governance, conservation initiatives and agrarian transformations. His research investigates natural resource use by different types of actors, including smallholders, large landholders, and land managers. Drawing on qualitative methods, he analyzes stakeholders’ perceptions and discourses to investigate processes of participation in natural resource management, relations between societies and ecosystems as well as issues of environmental justice. He has published over 40 articles and book chapters over the past 15 years.

Dr. Ratih Damayanti

Ratih is the Director of Scientific Management Collection at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), the Republic of Indonesia, and responsible to manage national scientific depository including herbarium, animal, seed bank, xylarium, archaeological, geodiversity, microorganisms, and botanical gardens.

Before appointed as Director, Ratih was Research Professor at BRIN. The anatomy and quality of lignocellulose materials, forensic of lignocellulose, and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) are her scientific interests. Her team developed the automatic wood identification system AIKO-KLHK, which contains of 1,592 wood species and installed by 7K users. She is the Curator of Xylarium Bogoriense and Xylarium Indonesia (Xylarium Indonesia was newly established on 26 September 2023 in BRIN).

Ratih was born in 1980 in Jember, Indonesia. She got her Ph.D. in Wood Science from the University of Melbourne, Australia, and Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from IPB University. More than 120 national and international publications and 20 patents and Copyrights have been produced during her career from 2007 to the present. She is a member of IAWA Council (2021-2023) based in Leiden, Netherlands.

Dr. Suryanto

Suryanto is researcher at the Center for Environmental Research Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia. His main areas of experties are Green Economy and Sustainable Development.

Suryanto was born in 1975 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He holds a Doctorate from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. He has published over 80 articles and books, and holds 4 patents over the past 10 years.